Do not boost me
All I want is to enlighten you
Lê em Português, aqui.
This is the boat of my words,
Lost among the ocean of feelings,
Building moments into slave memories
Of those inspirations of future hearts.
I am a mirror of moments,
A moment found and locked in the times
That each letter lets wander.
A metamorphosis of yesterday,
A memory of tomorrow.
Ashes of what is gone and strength of what will come.
We are all stars in someone’s sky,
No matter how faded the lines seem.
Don’t forget to see your light,
Embrace your darkness and know yourself.
Each day comes and goes,
It’s always a pleasure to see you.
Never forget that it’s your footsteps
That unleashes who you are!
Don’t praise me, for I am the nothing
That echoes inside you, being you.
Empty letters filled with hard souls,
Too strong that seem like an erased memory!
Forget about me, about what I lived.