Missing Black

When you love your pet, they will stay forever in your heart!

Sofia Duarte


“Pretinho” and I. Memories from 2015.

Your journey started elsewhere,

We were happily bringing you home,

You were in my sister’s arms, unaware

About what your new life would become!


When I close my eyes, I could almost see you,

You are the darkness that I love the most!

Once upon a time, I could hug you,

Today I will only miss you dearly.


You taught me the courage to love more,

With your knowledge, I came this far.

It was so hard to see you sick,

I can’t even start to say how much I adore

Every battle that we got together!


You were poisoned, lived it through!

I don’t know myself but I know you.

Every hour of that time we were connected

And we won that battle, our love was perfected!


For some years I’ve smiled with you,



Sofia Duarte

⚀ Uma mulher afundada em letras creativas! ⚁ A woman deep within creative words!