The Song of the Air

When all the colors are more than you only see

Sofia Duarte


Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Mother Earth, why are you so colorful?

I asked as I get to feel the breeze of the wind.

Without diversity, life could be so dull!

The wind whispered.

Do you see the beauty

Of what is called Diversity?

Differences make us unique

Empowerment is a path more than technique!

Do you see the colors of your surroundings?

I fly above the ground and my love just pounds.

I still sing for you to listen,

Do you hear my songs about my findings?

Feel my colors between the sounds!

But, wind, do you have any colors?

I was ashamed that I could not see them.

I would love to see your bright love.

Are you here, in the above?

I am the Air. The wind is my voice.

You can see all my colors in everything



Sofia Duarte

⚀ Uma mulher afundada em letras creativas! ⚁ A woman deep within creative words!